
[Create new user]---Fill in your mailbox. Email will send a password to your mailbox. Click on the verification URL to get the new password=a2345678,The password is 8 characters containing abc..xyz and numbers = a2345678 , For Email example, EVT system sent new password=12345678 https://www.codingame123.com/game1/in_passwordnew.php?userId=5&old=2CFDA023EA586E96311C975AEC747D23 Click this get newpassowrd

[建立新的使用者]--填入你的信箱 email 會寄密碼去你的信箱, 點選驗証網址即可以得到這個密碼new password=a2345678, 密碼是包含英數的8個字元=a2345678, 以下是信件內容 寄件人: EVT system sent new password=a2345678 https://www.codingame123.com/game1/in_passwordnew.php?userId=5&old=2CFDA023EA586E96311C975AEC747D23 Click this get newpassowrd